Julian Horx’s Beings

What are beings? Beings are conscious. They are warm, naive, and melancholic. Compassionate and cruel. Passionate and apathetic. They are divisible and indivisible. They are singular and myriad. Curious, and on the search for connection.

Beings are differentiated. Each their own form, engaged with themselves, but cannot exist without one-another. Beings are individualists, but always remain connected. This tension marks their lives, a private life and a universal desire. It is an act of resonance.

Their connections to their surroundings represents an active process, a never-ending construction of an understanding of the world. They change their surroundings as it changes them. Beings understand the official order of the world, but negates it, inverts, turning it into a churning and active reflection of it. They do not cease to communicate with the world. They create an expression of it, a mirror, a reflection that can only exist in a dialogue with it. They inhabit the same world as we do, but construct it differently. 

Beings embrace the world’s inherent complexity. Peering from the future into the present, they engage in a hopeful process, a promising sense of relativity. A world where hierarchy, structure and its respective spectacle is turned inside out, just enough to make a lasting impression. Beings are a symbol of change and renewal. 

Julian Horx’s Beings

What are beings? Beings are conscious. They are warm, naive, and melancholic. Compassionate and cruel. Passionate and apathetic. They are divisible and indivisible. They are singular and myriad. Curious, and on the search for connection.

Beings are differentiated. Each their own form, engaged with themselves, but cannot exist without one-another. Beings are individualists, but always remain connected. This tension marks their lives, a private life and a universal desire. It is an act of resonance.

Their connections to their surroundings represents an active process, a never-ending construction of an understanding of the world. They change their surroundings as it changes them. Beings understand the official order of the world, but negates it, inverts, turning it into a churning and active reflection of it. They do not cease to communicate with the world. They create an expression of it, a mirror, a reflection that can only exist in a dialogue with it. They inhabit the same world as we do, but construct it differently. 

Beings embrace the world’s inherent complexity. Peering from the future into the present, they engage in a hopeful process, a promising sense of relativity. A world where hierarchy, structure and its respective spectacle is turned inside out, just enough to make a lasting impression. Beings are a symbol of change and renewal. 

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